Thursday, 2 August 2012

Points to Remember for Choosing the Right Domain Name

When it comes to choosing a domain name for your website there are many things about the best approach. The selected domain name should be best and most friendly to Google. This results in the average business person getting confused about taking the decision about the domain name. So, if you want some simple, basic advice on choosing a domain, check out what I believe are the some most important factors to consider.         

Domain type (.com or .org etc):

The domain type (e.g. .com, and is one factor to consider. When the company is doing business in one country, it is better to choose the domain type for your country. Like is for Australia; for England; in the United States, .com.  Choose .com domain type if your business is international.  However, for SEO purpose, .com is the first preference, then .org and .net.

Should be Simple:

When it comes to domain names, it should always be simpler and easier. Off course, shorter domain names are better than longer, easy to spell names are better than harder to spell ones and easier to remember domain names are better than names that difficult to remember.

Should have Keywords in the Domain Name:

Another equally important aspect is having keyword(s) in your domain name. This will greatly assist towards the search engine rankings and indexing of your website, and off course giving you more natural traffic. You might have observed, the domain name will be indexed or listed first when you target the keyword domain register. Ist't it? If not, just try it out.


Having a boring domain is just as boring. So go ahead and make sure that your domain is interesting, alive, energetic, etc. Remember to be just cool enough.

Once you clearly come up with choosing the perfect domain name for your business, then you need to check out whether the chosen domain name is available for registration or not! If available, then do not wait for domain name registration.  If not available, then try for other one, just as done previously..

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